60+ dead, 150+ injured in terrorist attack at Moscow’s Concert Hall: ISIS takes responsibility of mayhem

60+ dead, 150+ injured in terrorist attack at Moscow's Concert Hall: ISIS takes responsibility of mayhem

60+ dead, 150+ injured in terrorist attack at Moscow’s Concert Hall: ISIS takes responsibility for mayhem.

The packed concert hall in the citys western suburbs was packed on Friday night when five camouflaged g*nmen with automatic weapons burst into the scene, firing into the crowd and setting off expl*sives that set off a massive fire.

More than 60 people had been ki*led, according to Russian investigators. Officials said there were 145 injuries and 60 people in critical condition.

The militant group ISIL, which once sought control over Ir@q and Syr!a, claimed the blame for the blunder. There are 6,200 people in the concert hall, which is one of the most popular in Moscow.

60+ dead, 150+ injured in terrorist attack at Moscow's Concert Hall: ISIS takes responsibility of mayhem

The ter*or and panic inside the venue was described by another witness, speaking to the news agency. The stampede started. They didn’t reveal who they were as they rushed to the escalator. Everyone was yelling and running. The blunder, which resulted in the concert hall going up in flames and the roof falling apart, was one of the worst events in Russia since the 2004 Beslan school siege, during which more than 330 people, half of them children, were kidnapped. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the death toll is expected to increase. The terrorist attack at Moscow’s concert hall claimed the lives of more than 60 people and injured more than 150 more.

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